Our A Touch of Sunshine: Frill Bouquet promises a captivating journey of blossoming beauty, perfect for those who love to watch nature unfold at its own pace. This arrangement marries the tranquil hues of white, the cheerful energy of yellow, and the fresh tones of green, creating an exquisite visual and aromatic experience. Composed of eight carefully selected roses standing at 35cm, each bloom gracefully emerges, offering new and enchanting details daily. Ideal for creating a calming oasis in your home or as a heartfelt gift to a loved one, this bouquet speaks volumes of love, joy, and peace. Its gentle fragrance subtly invigorates your environment, inviting moments of tranquility and reflection. Enrich your surroundings with its lush colors and watch as admiration turns into awe with every passing day. This vibrant display adds flair to any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries, or simply to show you care. Revel in the art of gifting or decorating with flowers that reveal their charm gradually. Relish in how each petal unveils layers of understated elegance, soothing the senses and lifting spirits. The Frill Bouquet is not just a present nor a decoration, it's an experience of nature’s ever-changing beauty, right in your home.
It is a gift of:
•Bouquet of 8 White, Yellow & Green roses (approx 35cm)